Introduction: Hi, my name Is Wendy Peck. I currently living in California. I've been living her for about eight months and it's quite wonderful here. Georgia is my home state, Georgia peach born and raised. Moving across country has been a really nice start to my life adventure. I got married her and I believe I started my "grown up" life here too.
In about two months, give or take, I'll be moving back to Georgia. I'll only be there a couple of months while my husband is in Texas for work. And then from there God only knows where we'll end up. All I know is that it's exciting and I'm looking forward to it. Although I have to admit sometimes I get a little scared not knowing what or when things will happen, but I guess that's life.
Recently (maybe not so recently) I've been getting into being creative. Cooking things I'd never eaten before, trying new products I'd never looked at or thought about twice, and a lot of DIY projects. It's really nice finding out new things you're good at. And slowly but surely I'm learning to be patient. I will post these things on here and images so I can remember and others can give these this a try.
I hope this blog is productive and helpful.
Now here are some photos of my family and our current home.
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