Friday, March 21, 2014

Haunted, maybe not?

So never before have I been one to break rules OR laws. Today we girls decided to take a trip to an abandoned hotel. They whole time I'm there I'm imagining zombies or some other creature jumping out of the dark. This building is about a grand total of five to seven stories including the basement. We've decided to explore the whole thing. Here we are walking from room to room. Every one different from the previous one. Some more lit than the last or pitch dark. We've prepared for least one of us has. Big old flash lights are taken out as soon as we walk in. Thank goodness other wise one of us might have ended with glass in an eye or something.

       At this point we're just walking around figuring out the use of each room. I'm over here collecting "treasures". We slowly start making our ways up. Making sure not to fall through any ceilings or anything. This place is really torn up. Either by workers tearing down the place or by people like us but more delinquent than ourselves. Anyway I think I was the most scared out of the whole group. Mannequins here, broken glass there, and shoes? It was weird. We surpass the first two floors with ease. There are definitely more holes letting natural light in. Then we take the spooky stair.... the ones that remind me of  "I am Legend". You know, when he goes looking for his dog and has to use a lamp to go up. He follows this trail of blood and you certainly feel like he isn't going to find his dog with life.... yeah those stairs.

 We go up these scary step. I don't expect to find anything too creepy. Everything has seemed to go swimmingly so far. We turn a corner and *SQUEEE* Here is were I feel like three out of the four of us bolted down that stair case like it was nothing. HAHAHAHAHA!
        I was all a shot of adrenaline. We are most likely going back.... but with men and a MACHETE! jk about the machete. It was all very invigorating. Something I've never done before but probably wouldn't mind doing again.


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