Friday, March 21, 2014

Haunted, maybe not?

So never before have I been one to break rules OR laws. Today we girls decided to take a trip to an abandoned hotel. They whole time I'm there I'm imagining zombies or some other creature jumping out of the dark. This building is about a grand total of five to seven stories including the basement. We've decided to explore the whole thing. Here we are walking from room to room. Every one different from the previous one. Some more lit than the last or pitch dark. We've prepared for least one of us has. Big old flash lights are taken out as soon as we walk in. Thank goodness other wise one of us might have ended with glass in an eye or something.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

I faced the ROCKS!

          Man, was today (March 8th) all kinds of "hard". By that I really mean is now that I'm home I really feel tired and have noodle arms.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ignorance: Blissful yet quite the handful.

           Here I am in a whole new country oceans away from my birth place. Did I do any research before I decided to pack my bags, grab my dog, and hop  on a plane? Of course not, that would be a smart thing to do. Did you know that when living in South Korea you can experience the polluted sands of china? Tha heck?! I wasn't aware of this until the day I landed here.So from end of winter to sometime in the spring we get tortured. Apparently as a " Sensitive Group" my more likely to be effected by said sands. Well behold! We were sick this week!
  Not only do we get sands we also get banana spiders. No, I'm not excited about this.So coming from a small town that never got any really "exciting" weather changes I will be a little freaked every time something major occurs.

Anyway this has been a small post to be sad about. Have fun where ever you are because you don't need to wear a surgical mask. Or worry about spider....hopefully.